Help Us Plant More Trees

We stand for a green and pollution free tomorrow, and are currently on course to plant and maintain 3 lakh trees by initiating community programmes and conducting plantation drives. We are committed to ensuring the longevity of these trees by tending to them regularly. 




Trees Planted

The issue in detail

While in the Air Force, Wg. Cdr. Sharma noted the lack of afforestation and tree maintenance in the campuses and decided to invite experts as well as common people to build a community program for tree plantation in various Air Forces stations. The main focus of these plantation drives was not just to sow seeds, but also to maintain them sustainably over a year.

Our Major Milestones

We kicked off the plantation project in ARC with 150 trees in the Indian Air Force campus at Vayu Shakti Nagar in 2017, which are thriving even today. After a commendable response, the project grew exponentially with several thousands of trees being planted and taken care of in Gandhinagar, Vadodara, Vadsar, and Ahmedabad every year.

Frequent visits, supervision, mortality record maintenance, and submission of reports are done to ensure the sustainability of each plantation project. Some of the species planted include Borsali, Neem, Gulmohar, Saptaparni, Mahogani, Tabubea Rosea, Bougainvillea, Tecoma, Chandani, and other indigenous varieties.

Upto 2020, we have successfully planted and tended to around 100,000 trees, which will be scaled to 300,000 trees in the next 2 years. AIA CSR Foundation has been a wonderful partner in this endeavour and their support has motivated us to work towards bigger goals.

100,000 trees

Successfully planted across Gujarat

Brought focus towards indigenous varieties of trees

Continue to ensure sustainability of each plantation through supervision and maintenance

Initiated community building programmes through tree plantation drives

In the Spotlight

We achieve our goals with your contribution

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